Complaint Forms

Harassment / Bullying

You need to be logged into the AU GSuite to be able to view the University’s Workplace Harassment and/or Bullying Complaint Form. This form can also be found under the Health Safety and Security section of Algoma University’s Policies and Procedures page, here.

Complaints / Grievance Process

Refer your Collective Agreement for the stages and timelines of the Complaints and Grievance process. If you have a complaint, it is very important that you file a complaint right away because waiting until outside of the timelines can void your complaint process, and the situation can become “existing practice” since it proceeded uncontested.

Click here for the current AU complaint form template. All individual complaints are initially discussed with the complainant’s Academic Dean or designate. All initial individual complaint discussions must include the member. The member has the option of being accompanied by a Union Steward.

Ideally, complaints will be informally resolved at this stage. Should the complaint discussion(s) not result in a resolution, a grievance may be advanced following the end of the complaint discussions. Again, check the CA for the timelines. Our Click here for the current OPSEU grievance form. Grievances must be finalized, signed (by the Grievor and Local President or designate) and forwarded to the OSPEU Office. Next, an OPSEU staff member sends the grievance to the University.  Check your CA for the University response timelines.

If the Grievance Stage is unsuccessful in resolving the grievance, the Union may give written notice to all parties involved with the Grievance Stage of its intention to submit the disputed matter to arbitration. Again, check your CA for timelines. Arbitration involves putting forth the matter to a third party (arbitrator) and includes an OPSEU/SEFPO appointed lawyer. Since our unit is part of OPSEU/SEFPO, there is no cost to the member and the arbitration is covered by OPSEU/SEFPO.